“A Home for Wizards” Official Cover Reveal

Official news by Jaysen Headley on the sequel to “A Love Story For Witches.” Here’s a sneak peak at the cover of the upcoming book, “A Home For Wizards.”


We’ve been working on this book the whole year!  Jaysen had the first draft couple months ago, and we’re editing right now!  Thanks to everyone for all their love and support!  It’s going to be great!

We’re all very excited!  Happy Halloween!!!!!

Now head on over to the link to Jaysen’s post for the official sneak peak!

One year ago today, my life changed.

On October 31, 2014 I was very happy to release my first full length novel, A Love Story for Witches. This past year has been a whirlwind of amazingness. Within six months we had released in seven different countries. The book hit the best sellers list in France and London. I experienced the crazy scenario of working with someone to translate my work to Chinese. I was brought to tears as someone came up to me at the laundromat to have me sign their copy of the book. I was floored by seeing it in people’s hands on the Subway and was blessed by so many kind words and encouragements that I can’t even count them all. I feel so much gratitude for everyone who supported, read, shared, talked about or even just listened to me talk about the book in my…

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